A hosted service to visually build interactive messaging applications.

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Mailing Lists

rapidpro@googlegroups.com - For questions and discussions on using RapidPro as a user. If you have a question on how to use RapidPro or want to share your experiences, please do so here.

rapidpro-dev@googlegroups.com - For questions and discussions for RapidPro developers. If you are not a developer you should not post to this group.


You can chat with the RapidPro developers in the public Slack room. You should not use this room unless you are a developer. If you require support, please contact your hosting provider.

Trello - Development Roadmap

You can view the current development roadmap for RapidPro on the public Trello board. Please only add comments or vote on cards that you have opinions on.

GitHub - Bug Reports & Feature Requests

If you have a bug report on existing functionality on RapidPro, we first recommend you contact your provider to make sure it isn’t either an operational issue or a misunderstanding in functionality.

Once you have confirmation that it is indeed a bug or functionality that does not yet exist, you can create a new issue on Github. Note that you should NOT open issues unless you have verified with your provider that the behavior is indeed valid. Bugs opened without clear steps to reproduce them will be closed.