<text> : string, e.g. "Testers"
<template> : string containing expressions, e.g. "Hi @contact.name"
<int> : 32 bit integer
<id> : 32 bit integer containing an object identifier, e.g. 12345
<uuid> : 36 character hexadecimal UUID, e.g. "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000"
<language-code> : 3-digit ISO 639 language code, e.g. "eng"
<language-name> : ISO 639 language name, e.g. "English"
<translatable-text> : <template> | { <language-code>: <template> * }
Example (translated):
{ "eng": "Hello @contact", "fre": "Bonjour @contact" }
Example (untranslated):
"Hello @contact"
<contact-ref> : { "id": <id>, "name": <text> }
Name is used for display purposes in the editor. Example:
{ "id": "1234", "name": "Joe Flow" }
<group-ref> : { "id": <id>, "name": <text> }
Name is used for display purposes in the editor. Example:
{ "id": 2345, "name": "Testers" }
<label-ref> : { "id": <id>, "name": <text> }
Name is used for display purposes in the editor. Example:
{ "id": 3456, "name": "Spam" }
<variable-ref>: { "id": <template> }
The template should contain one of:
{ "id": "@contact.chw_phone" }
<flow>: { "version": 7,
"flow_type": "F" | "M" | "S" | "V",
"base_language": <language-code>,
"action_sets": [ <action-set>* ],
"rule_sets": [ <rule-set>* ],
"entry": <uuid> | null,
"metadata": <metadata> }
Metadata is optional and implementation specific.
<action-set> : { "uuid": <uuid>,
"actions": [ <action>* ],
"destination": <uuid> | null }
The destination must be one of:
to make this a terminal node<action> : <reply-action>
| <send-action>
| <email-action>
| <set-language-action>
| <save-to-contact-action>
| <add-to-groups-action>
| <remove-from-groups-action>
| <add-labels-action>
Sends a message to the contact.
<reply-action> : { "type": "reply",
"msg": <translatable-text> }
Sends a message to people other than the contact.
<send-action> : { "type": "send",
"groups": [ <group-ref>* ],
"contacts": [ <contact-ref>* ],
"variables": [ <variable-ref>* ],
"msg": <translatable-text> }
Sends an email to someone.
<email-action> : { "type": "email",
"emails": [ <template>* ],
"subject": <template>,
"msg": <template> }
Sets the contact’s language.
<set-language-action> : { "type": "lang",
"lang": <language-code>,
"name": <language-name> }
Saves an evaluated expression to the contact as a field or their name.
<save-to-contact-action> : { "type": "save",
"field": <text> | null,
"label": <text>,
"value": <template>}
Field must be one of the following:
Adds the contact to one or more groups
<add-to-groups-action> : { "type": "add_group",
"groups": [ (<group-ref> | <template>)* ] }
When a group is a template, only those beginning with “@” are evaluated, and others are assumed to be group names.
Removes the contact from one or more groups
<remove-from-groups-action> : { "type": "del_group",
"groups": [ (<group-ref> | <template>)* ] }
When a group is a template, only those beginning with “@” are evaluated, and others are assumed to be group names.
Adds one or more labels to the incoming message
<add-labels-action> : { "type": "add_label",
"labels": [ (<label-ref> | <template>)* ] }
When a label is a template, only those beginning with “@” are evaluated, and others are assumed to be label names.
<rule-set> : { "uuid": <uuid>,
"ruleset_type": <rule-set-type>,
"label": <text>,
"rules": [ <rule>* ],
"operand": <template> }
<rule-set-type> : "wait_message"
| "wait_recording"
| "wait_digit"
| "wait_digits"
| "webhook"
| "flow_field"
| "form_field"
| "contact_field"
| "expression"
<rule> : { "test": <test>,
"category": <translatable-text>,
"destination": <uuid> | null }
RuleSet types primarily act as a way of having a flow editor store the visual representation of a rule in an intuitive manner for the user.
: Wait for text user input, then evaluate response against ruleswait_recording
: Wait for user to record message (ending in #), evaluate against ruleswait_digits
: Wait for user to enter multiple digits (ending in #), evaluate against ruleswait_digit
: Wait for user to enter a single digit, evaluate against ruleswebhook
: Call URL in webhook
with method in webhook_action
passing flow context, save JSON response in @extraflow_field
: Run our rules against a specific flow field (defined in operand)form_field
: Run our rules against a specific form field (defined in operand)contact_field
: Run our rules against a specific contact field (defined in operand)expression
: Run our rules against an expression (defined in operand)Operand defines the value that the rules will be evaluated against. For all wait
ruleset types this is
but other types will modify this appropriately. (for example a ruleset_type of contact_field
will have an operand of the form @contact.name
or the like)
The destination must be one of:
to make this a terminal rule<test> : <true-test>
| <false-test>
| <and-test>
| <or-test>
| <not-empty-test>
| <contains-test>
| <contains-any-test>
| <starts-with-test>
| <regex-test>
| <has-number-test>
| <equal-test>
| <less-than-test>
| <less-than-or-equal-test>
| <greater-than-test>
| <greater-than-or-equal-test>
| <between-test>
| <has-date-test>
| <date-equal-test>
| <date-after-test>
| <date-before-test>
| <has-phone-test>
| <has-state-test>
| <has-district-test>
Test that always returns true.
<true-test> : { "type": "true" }
Test that always returns false.
<false-test> : { "type": "false" }
Test which returns the AND’ed result of other tests.
<and-test> : { "type": "and", "tests": [ <test>* ] }
Test which returns the OR’ed result of other tests
<or-test> : { "type": "or", "tests": [ <test>* ] }
Test that returns whether the input is non-empty (and non-blank).
<not-empty-test> : { "type": "not_empty" }
Test that returns whether the text contains the given words.
<contains-test> : { "type": "contains", "test": <translatable-text> }
Test that returns whether the text contains any of the given words.
<contains-any-test> : { "type": "contains_any", "test": <translatable-text> }
Test that returns whether the text starts with the given text.
<starts-with-test> : { "type": "starts", "test": <translatable-text> }
Test that returns whether the input matches a regular expression.
<regex-test> : { "type": "regex", "test": <translatable-text> }
Test which returns whether input has a number.
<has-number-test> : { "type": "number", "test": <translatable-text> }
Test which returns whether input is numerically equal a value.
<equal-test> : { "type": "eq", "test": <template> }
Test which returns whether input is numerically less than a value.
<less-than-test> : { "type": "lt", "test": <template> }
Test which returns whether input is numerically less than or equal to a value
<less-than-or-equal-test> : { "type": "lte", "test": <template> }
Test which returns whether input is numerically greater than a value.
<greater-than-test> : { "type": "gt", "test": <template> }
Test which returns whether input is numerically greater than or equal to a value.
<greater-than-or-equal-test> : { "type": "gte", "test": <template> }
Test which returns whether input is a number between two numbers (inclusive).
<between-test> : { "type": "between", "min": <template>, "max": <template> }
Test which returns whether input contains a valid date.
<has-date-test> : { "type": "date" }
Test which returns whether input is a date equal to the given value.
<date-equal-test> : { "type": "date_equal", "test": <template> }
Test which returns whether input is a date after the given value.
<date-after-test> : { "type": "date_after", "test": <template> }
Test which returns whether input is a date before the given value
<date-before-test> : { "type": "date_before", "test": <template> }
Test that returns whether the text contains a valid phone number
<has-phone-test> : { "type": "phone" }
Test that returns whether the text contains a valid state.
<has-state-test> : { "type": "state" }
Test that returns whether the text contains a valid district in the given state.
<has-district-test> : { "type": "district", "test": <template> }