Specification for RapidPro flows

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Flow Spec, Version 8


<text>          : string, e.g. "Testers"
<template>      : string containing expressions, e.g. "Hi @contact.name"
<int>           : 32 bit integer
<id>            : 32 bit integer containing an object identifier, e.g. 12345
<uuid>          : 36 character hexadecimal UUID, e.g. "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000"
<language-code> : 3-digit ISO 639 language code, e.g. "eng"
<language-name> : ISO 639 language name, e.g. "English"

Translatable Text

<translatable-text> : <template> | { <language-code>: <template> * }

Example (translated):

{ "eng": "Hello @contact", "fre": "Bonjour @contact" }

Example (untranslated):

"Hello @contact"

Contact References

<contact-ref> : { "id": <id>, "name": <text> }

Name is used for display purposes in the editor. Example:

{ "id": "1234", "name": "Joe Flow" }

Group References

<group-ref> : { "id": <id>, "name": <text> }

Name is used for display purposes in the editor. Example:

{ "id": 2345, "name": "Testers" }

Label References

<label-ref> :  { "id": <id>, "name": <text> }

Name is used for display purposes in the editor. Example:

{ "id": 3456, "name": "Spam" }

Variable References

<variable-ref>: { "id": <template> }

The template should contain one of:

  • An expression which evaluates to a group name
  • An expression which evaluates to a phone number
  • The string "@new_contact"


{ "id": "@contact.chw_phone" }

Top-level Structure

<flow>: { "version": 7,
          "flow_type": "F" | "M" | "S" | "V",
          "base_language": <language-code>,
          "action_sets": [ <action-set>* ],
          "rule_sets": [ <rule-set>* ],
          "entry": <uuid> | null,
          "metadata": <metadata> }

Metadata is optional and implementation specific.

Action Sets

<action-set> : { "uuid": <uuid>,
                 "actions": [ <action>* ],
                 "destination": <uuid> | null }

The destination must be one of:

  • The UUID of another action set
  • The UUID of a rule set
  • null to make this a terminal node


<action> : <reply-action>
         | <send-action>
         | <email-action>
         | <set-language-action>
         | <save-to-contact-action>
         | <add-to-groups-action>
         | <remove-from-groups-action>
         | <add-labels-action>

Reply Actions

Sends a message to the contact.

<reply-action> : { "type": "reply",
                   "msg": <translatable-text> }

Send Actions

Sends a message to people other than the contact.

<send-action> : { "type": "send",
                  "groups": [ <group-ref>* ],
                  "contacts": [ <contact-ref>* ],
                  "variables": [ <variable-ref>* ],
                  "msg": <translatable-text> }

Email Actions

Sends an email to someone.

<email-action> : { "type": "email",
                   "emails": [ <template>* ],
                   "subject": <template>,
                   "msg": <template> }

Set Contact Language Actions

Sets the contact’s language.

<set-language-action> : { "type": "lang",
                          "lang": <language-code>,
                          "name": <language-name> }

Save To Contact Actions

Saves an evaluated expression to the contact as a field or their name.

<save-to-contact-action> : { "type": "save",
                             "field": <text> | null,
                             "label": <text>,
                             "value": <template>}

Field must be one of the following:

  • name
  • first_name
  • tel_e164
  • a valid contact field key

Add To Groups Actions

Adds the contact to one or more groups

<add-to-groups-action> : { "type": "add_group",
                           "groups": [ (<group-ref> | <template>)* ] }

When a group is a template, only those beginning with “@” are evaluated, and others are assumed to be group names.

Remove From Groups Actions

Removes the contact from one or more groups

<remove-from-groups-action> : { "type": "del_group",
                                "groups": [ (<group-ref> | <template>)* ] }

When a group is a template, only those beginning with “@” are evaluated, and others are assumed to be group names.

Add Labels Actions

Adds one or more labels to the incoming message

<add-labels-action> : { "type": "add_label",
                        "labels": [ (<label-ref> | <template>)* ] }

When a label is a template, only those beginning with “@” are evaluated, and others are assumed to be label names.

Rule Sets

<rule-set> : { "uuid": <uuid>,
               "ruleset_type": <rule-set-type>,
               "label": <text>,
               "rules": [ <rule>* ],
               "operand": <template> }

<rule-set-type> : "wait_message"
                | "wait_recording"
                | "wait_digit"
                | "wait_digits"
                | "webhook"
                | "flow_field"
                | "form_field"
                | "contact_field"
                | "expression"

<rule> : { "test": <test>,
           "category": <translatable-text>,
           "destination": <uuid> | null }

RuleSet Types

RuleSet types primarily act as a way of having a flow editor store the visual representation of a rule in an intuitive manner for the user.

  • wait_message: Wait for text user input, then evaluate response against rules
  • wait_recording: Wait for user to record message (ending in #), evaluate against rules
  • wait_digits: Wait for user to enter multiple digits (ending in #), evaluate against rules
  • wait_digit: Wait for user to enter a single digit, evaluate against rules
  • webhook: Call URL in webhook with method in webhook_action passing flow context, save JSON response in @extra
  • flow_field: Run our rules against a specific flow field (defined in operand)
  • form_field: Run our rules against a specific form field (defined in operand)
  • contact_field: Run our rules against a specific contact field (defined in operand)
  • expression: Run our rules against an expression (defined in operand)


Operand defines the value that the rules will be evaluated against. For all wait ruleset types this is @step.value but other types will modify this appropriately. (for example a ruleset_type of contact_field will have an operand of the form @contact.name or the like)


The destination must be one of:

  • The UUID of another rule set
  • The UUID of an action set
  • null to make this a terminal rule


<test> : <true-test>
       | <false-test>
       | <and-test>
       | <or-test>
       | <not-empty-test>
       | <contains-test>
       | <contains-any-test>
       | <starts-with-test>
       | <regex-test>
       | <has-number-test>
       | <equal-test>
       | <less-than-test>
       | <less-than-or-equal-test>
       | <greater-than-test>
       | <greater-than-or-equal-test>
       | <between-test>
       | <has-date-test>
       | <date-equal-test>
       | <date-after-test>
       | <date-before-test>
       | <has-phone-test>
       | <has-state-test>
       | <has-district-test>

True Tests

Test that always returns true.

<true-test> : { "type": "true" }

False Tests

Test that always returns false.

<false-test> : { "type": "false" }

And Tests

Test which returns the AND’ed result of other tests.

<and-test> : { "type": "and", "tests": [ <test>* ] }

Or Tests

Test which returns the OR’ed result of other tests

<or-test> : { "type": "or", "tests": [ <test>* ] }

Not Empty Tests

Test that returns whether the input is non-empty (and non-blank).

<not-empty-test> : { "type": "not_empty" }

Contains Tests

Test that returns whether the text contains the given words.

<contains-test> : { "type": "contains", "test": <translatable-text> }

Contains Any Tests

Test that returns whether the text contains any of the given words.

<contains-any-test> : { "type": "contains_any", "test": <translatable-text> }

Starts With Tests

Test that returns whether the text starts with the given text.

<starts-with-test> : { "type": "starts", "test": <translatable-text> }

Regex Tests

Test that returns whether the input matches a regular expression.

<regex-test> : { "type": "regex", "test": <translatable-text> }

Has Number Tests

Test which returns whether input has a number.

<has-number-test> : { "type": "number", "test": <translatable-text> }

Equal Tests

Test which returns whether input is numerically equal a value.

<equal-test> : { "type": "eq", "test": <template> }

Less Than Tests

Test which returns whether input is numerically less than a value.

<less-than-test> : { "type": "lt", "test": <template> }

Less Than Or Equal Tests

Test which returns whether input is numerically less than or equal to a value

<less-than-or-equal-test> : { "type": "lte", "test": <template> }

Greater Than Tests

Test which returns whether input is numerically greater than a value.

<greater-than-test> : { "type": "gt", "test": <template> }

Greater Than Or Equal Tests

Test which returns whether input is numerically greater than or equal to a value.

<greater-than-or-equal-test> : { "type": "gte", "test": <template> }

Between Tests

Test which returns whether input is a number between two numbers (inclusive).

<between-test> : { "type": "between", "min": <template>, "max": <template> }

Has Date Tests

Test which returns whether input contains a valid date.

<has-date-test> : { "type": "date" }

Date Equal Tests

Test which returns whether input is a date equal to the given value.

<date-equal-test> : { "type": "date_equal", "test": <template> }

Date After Tests

Test which returns whether input is a date after the given value.

<date-after-test> : { "type": "date_after", "test": <template> }

Date Before Tests

Test which returns whether input is a date before the given value

<date-before-test> : { "type": "date_before", "test": <template> }

Has Phone Tests

Test that returns whether the text contains a valid phone number

<has-phone-test> : { "type": "phone" }

Has State Tests

Test that returns whether the text contains a valid state.

<has-state-test> : { "type": "state" }

Has District Tests

Test that returns whether the text contains a valid district in the given state.

<has-district-test> : { "type": "district", "test": <template> }